All standard employment contracts include round-trip airfare paid by the employer. The point of departure is usually the nearest international airport to the teacher’s current residence in their home country, and the return ticket must be back to the point of departure (one could not depart from Vancouver and ask for a ticket to Brazil when the contract is over). Schools do not pay travel fees associated with getting to the point of departure (this includes bus or taxi fare).
The actual method that each school uses to pay for the airfare varies. Some schools will pay for the ticket completely up front and express mail it to the teacher’s home residence or arrange it so they can pick it up at the airport. Other schools may request that the teacher purchase their own one-way or return ticket in their home city and then reimburse the teacher upon their arrival in Korea. Teachers must check that their contract stipulates how the school will pay for the airfare.
If a teacher does purchase their own return ticket, the employer may request that the teacher leave the return portion of the ticket in the care of the Hogwon until her or she completes the contract term. This is because technically the teacher does not earn the right to the return flight home until the teacher has completed his or her entire contract. Likewise, if a teacher quits his or her job before the halfway mark of the contract term, the school may demand that the teacher reimburse the school for the flight to Korea.