Japan Visa Run

This section is intended for teachers who are already teaching at a school in Korea and need to make a visa run to Japan to extend their visas.

New consulate requirements in Japan means that you should budget at least two days to complete the process. Teachers should submit their documents before 3pm of the day they arrive in Japan, and their visa will likely be ready for pick-up by 4pm of the following day, barring any complications.

Required Items:

– Your passport (with remaining validity of at least one year)
– Visa issuance document
– A completed Visa Application Form
– One passport-sized photo
– Visa fee of 6,000 Yen (approximately 60,000 KRW) *subject to change.


Consulate Address in Osaka:

2-3-4 Nishi-sinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan, 542-0086
Phone number: 81-(0)6-6213-1401~3
Service Hours:

9:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

Closed weekends and holidays (Japanese holidays listed below)
Directions from the airport:

Take the “RAPIT” train, NANKAI line from the airport and get off at the last stop called “Namba”.

Once you clear customs, just follow the signs or you can ask any information desk at the airport, anyone at these desks will speak English. The RAPIT trains costs about 1,500 Yen and takes 40 minutes. *price subject to change.

From Namba station, go straight out exit 25 until you reach the Holiday Inn Nankai Hotel. It’s a 10 to 15 minute walk, or just a few minutes by taxi (expensive).

The Korean consulate is right across from the hotel.

Suggested Lodging in Osaka:

Osaka House (http://www.osakahouse.com)

– Located 10 minutes from the Korean Consulate
– 30,000-40,000 KRW per night (seasonal and prices may change)
– Korean Operated
– Reservations and payment must be made prior to departure from Korea

Directions to Osaka House:

Take exit 10 from Nipponbashi station and keep walking until you reach the Nipponbashi 3 intersection (Nipponbashi san-cho-mae). You should be able to see a restaurant called the Yoshinoya Rice Restaurant. Call Osaka House at 6633-7789 and they will come and pick you up.

DISCLAIMER: Osaka House is not affiliated with PlanetESL in any way. We merely put them forth as an option for teachers going on a visa-run who are not familiar with the area. Our suggesting of Osaka House as an option for lodging should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the establishment, its staff or ownership, and anyone choosing to stay at Osaka House does so with the understanding that PlanetESL cannot be held liable in the event of damages sustained as a result.


Consulate Address in Fukuoka:

1-1-3 Jigyohama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Japan, 810-0065
Phone Number: 81-(0)92-771-0461/3
Service Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

Closed weekends and holidays (Japanese holidays listed below)
Directions from the airport:

Take the subway from the airport to Tojin Machi station (9th stop from the airport right after Ohori Koen station).

From Tojin Machi station, go out exit one (1) which says Korean Consulate on it. Go straight out the exit towards the traffic light. Cross the intersection and turn (if you hit the river you’ve gone to far!) Go straight for about 10 minutes and you will arrive at the consulate which is a building with a Korean style roof and a Korean Flag

(don’t be fooled by the nearby Chinese consulate). Most of the buildings in the area have maps.

Japan Visa Run Important Pointers:

Make sure your air ticket includes the Incheon Airport tax. Keep 20,000 KRW on you just in case.

Buy Japanese Yen at Incheon Airport before you depart for Japan. In Japan, no one will accept KRW for purchases and you won’t likely get a good exchange rate if you try to exchange your money.

Arrive at Incheon Airport as early as possible (ideally at least two hours before your flight), as lines at customs and security can be quite long.

Always double-check your travel dates. Japan has MANY holidays, and on holidays the embassy is closed.

Korean Holidays

– March 1st
– July 17th
– August 15th
– October 3rd

Japanese Holidays

– January 1st-3rd: New Years (Shogatsu)
– The 2nd Monday in January: Coming of Age (Seiji No Hi)
– February 11th: National Foundation Day (Kenkoku Kinenbi)
– March 21st: Spring Eqinox Day (Shunbun No Hi)
– April 29th: Green Day (Midori No Hi)
– May 3rd: Constitution Day (Kenpo Kinenbi)
– May 4th: “Between Day” (okumin No Kyujitsu)
– May 5th: Children’s Day (Kodomo No Hi)
– The 3rd Monday in July: Ocean Day (Umi No Hi)
– The 3rd Monday in September: Senior Citizen’s Day (Keiro No Hi)
– September 23rd: Autum Equinox Day (Shubun No Hi)
– The 2nd Monday in October: Health and Sports Day (Taiiku No Hi)
– November 3rd: Culture Day (Bunka No Hi)
– November 23rd: Labour Thanksgiving Day (Kinro Kansha No Hi)
– December 23rd: Emperor’s Birthday (Tenno No Tanjobi)

*If a national holiday falls on a Sunday, the consulate will be closed the following Monday as well.